Statesboro, GA



3D Views of the Georgetown Hole

This image is a shaded bathymetric contour of the Georgetown Hole area created using HotSpots Charts, LLC 3D software. Dark red represents the shallowest depths, dark blue the deepest. 

When a backflow of Gulf Stream water is pushing over this area from the northeast, good upwhellings will occur along the ledge between points 3 and 4. When the Gulf Stream flows directly over the area from the south, upwhellings will occur between points 2 and 3.

Left click on image to view full screen.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 3229.900 7847.850
2 3231.100 7844.550
3 3234.400 7835.700
4 3238.000 7834.950
5 3235.000 7831.350
6 3237.250 7828.050
7 3235.900 7823.100
8 3231.400 7821.900
9 3222.550 7842.900
This image is a three-dimensional shaded bathymetric contour of the Georgetown Hole area created using HotSpots Charts, LLC 3D software. Dark red represents the shallowest depths, dark blue the deepest.

Points 5, 6, and 7, listed above, are shown here to be humps. These humps can cause upwhellings regardless of the direction of the Gulf Stream. Points 8 and 9 are depressions. 

Left click on image to view full screen.

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